Night Light

The day started with the heavy dull rain that had been on all night. The sound of the rain is comforting if you have no reason to go out in it. I got up and made Kevin a boiled egg and toast, heated some soup to put in a flask for him (spicy pea). He went off to work and I made me and John some tea and we got into bed and watched the news and listened to the rain.

It felt blissful.................for a bit, then I had to get up and do the usual tidying.............washing machine on, dishwasher on......ran a hoover over the place. Then we watched a film on TV, Heaven Knows Mr Alison. I had a shower, got dressed, made lunch..........more soup. Then we assembled our wee studio lighting kit thingy and messed around a bit with it. I got bored with that so we went out into the unbelievably cold and damp and dusky early evening and took photos with whatever light we had to hand...............much more fun.

Lazy day compared to yesterday where me and John cycled into town, along Corstorphine Rd (pavements only cos nobody walks on them), past Haymarket onto Lothian Rd to meet Kevin at the theatre where they were taking a show down and he was working until late.

We had coffee together, then his hour was up so me and the J boy cycled to the Grassmarket so he could go to Hahaha the joke shop. There he stocked up on halloween stuff; fake poo, purple hairspray, hobit ears and a top hat! Can you guess what he's going to dress up as???

Then we cycled home via Stockbridge, craigleith (to get new gloves from TKmaxx) and onto the cycle path to Davidson's Mains, through the park, up Clermiston Rd and HOME!!

Oh and i also watched (today) The Real Housewives of New York ............that's now going to be my regular entertainment.

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