Dolly at the Houston House Hotel

Lewis and I took Kiki to the vet for a check up this morning! Her lower incisors were uneven again, even though they were only trimmed a week ago, but the pus around her back tooth seems to be clearing up, so that is good news! She is going to need very regular checkups for the next wee while, but apart from not liking the taste of her new antibiotic, Kiki is feeling not too bad at the moment! Once we were reassured that Kiki was okay we set off for our wee night away at the Houston House hotel, a Christmas gift from Lewis' parents! The main part of the hotel is a 16th century tower house, its very pretty! We had a lovely time at the pool in the afternoon and then a wonderful dinner in the evening, it's been a good day! There's plenty of snow around too, just to make things look pretty!

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