"Invincible summer"

"Fenner, is that you?!" 

A Twitter friend of mine, @violetfenn, had discovered me commenting on a Facebook post that a friend of hers had made. Thus I encountered a new dimension in the whole Twitter/FaceBook/RealLife crossover.

The mutual friend in question was Lydia, the sister of my university chum, Ash (a much-loved friend of mine to this day). And it was also through her - I think! - that I met a business partner, Vince, who is the cousin of Lydia's husband, Lann. (Another aspect of the general extraordinariness of this is that I've never actually met Vince face to face, except, funnily enough, via FaceTime.)

And, of course, I follow Lann, too, and a little while ago I saw this bit of calligraphy that he'd put up on Instagram. I liked the quote straightaway but I also liked the fact that Lann had written it out and the style in which he'd done it, so I asked him if it was for sale and happily it was (and at a very reasonable price, too). 

I need this right now, not so much personally but nationally!

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Reading: 'Winter'

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