I had my feet ”done” today because now I’m doing a lot more walking, they need to be in tip top condition - and I now have some special insoles for my shoes to help me walk properly and I already feel I’m standing taller. 

I had my day planned, or so I thought.  I caught the bus along part of the way to where I needed to go because (a) I wanted to walk and (b) I remembered that I’d seen some beautiful irises last week when I did the same walk and had “slotted them into my brain” for today’s Blip.  I found them again so stopped to take some photographs then walked quite some way to a local park where I intended stopping to look for some other flowers. 

However, as Robbie Burns wrote in his poem To a Mouse in 1786, “The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft a-gley, (often go awry).”  When I got to the park gates they were closed and a police car was barring the way - so I had to go the long way round - all good for my steps, of course, but rather annoying because I was sure there would be some lovely flowers in the park. 

I was rather early for my appointment so thought I would spend some time in the Catholic Church nearby but the main door was locked. I tried another entrance but that door was locked too so rather than wandering around in the chilly air - and it was very cold this morning - I decided to ask the chiropodist if I could sit in the waiting room, and she kindly said I could. 

I looked at the photographs I had taken and was quite pleased with them - so here is Iris, looking beautiful. She was rather shy and hiding behind a wall amongst the foliage, but I managed to persuade her that 15 minutes of fame on Blip would do her the world of good! Hope you enjoy seeing her. 

If knowing about my steps bores you, stop reading now!  After I had met my friend, mindful_life for a coffee and catch-up, I set off to walk to John Lewis, which is quite a way out of town.  I rang Mr. HCB and he said he would come and meet me there, so off I set.  I had a voucher for a free coffee and cake, and having got that we went to sit down and had a table next to a delightful couple so spent the next hour chatting to them.  Isn’t it wonderful to be retired and not to have to worry about time?  On checking when we got home, I find that i have done 12,787 steps, a personal best - so I am well chuffed.  All in all, a great day.

“Write it on your heart
     that every day
          is the best day
               in the year.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

P.S.  Thank you for all your lovely comments and stars for yesterday's Blip - it was indeed an egg holder.  

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