Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

To Blip or not to Blip...

...do we have BT WiFi, that's the blipping question...
We certainly haven't got fast fibre - a pipe dream for the future perhaps ;))
The digging men have apparently damaged a wire to the folks at the end of the cul-de-sac, and they have had no internet for two days. One van appeared, but the man was only allowed to climb posts, not go down holes. A second team arrived - presumably the troglodytes - and they also had big umbrellas... Our neighbour is at present berating them...
We have been luckier - speeds are slow, but mostly detectable... so I'm getting my blip out while I can ;)
PS forgot to say - my abstract yesterday was a humble TV remote, tilted and fartnarkled... I thought it was too easy, so there you go...

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