Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

More icecream please!

I slept so well last night - 9 hours solid! Just as well because I had a presentation to do and got a bit of a grilling from the consultants.

Henry on the other hand was a little monkey and was awake several times last night! Luckily mum and dad had one of my sisters (Charlotte) to help, I think they all took turns. He's had a great day today - they went to the icecream parlour and he had a cheese sandwich, crisps, cucumber, a chip and a whole scoop of icecream of his own as well as half a scoop of Charlotte's icecream! He's got a new word too - gorilla!

Today's blip is a picture from yesterday but I just thought it was a lovely one of Henry with granny and granda (as my dad has decided he wants to be called).

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