With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Giant pasty

A green letter day, in that I received my first ever letter (in a green envelope) from my youngest son. He was so excited to see it there on the mat and to watch me open it. I have replied and will post it tomorrow. We must do that more often. It felt fantastic writing to him, even while he was in the same room. You say different things.

Otherwise, I found the source of all moth evil in a jar in the kitchen. The spawn of the devils will appear in my laboratory tomorrow for choice chamber experiments. Mwahahahhaha!

Also, ladies are knitting round the corner and lunching. Maybe I'll get to join them some time this week.

And a pilgrim has arrived safely and will no doubt be enjoying Galician delights such as octopus and some albarinyo. I'm there in spirit.

And I made a giant pasty.

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