Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Save me !!

Winnie is such a turd ! If we forget to take the bins out to the big bin she sneaks out the cat flap in to the garage and rips the bags open !! She’s got form for this behaviour.. anyway I caught her red pawed tearing into the Guinea pig rubbish, so I proper shouted at her and she ran off .. she ran to Alfie ! Look at her hiding in his wool .
I’m a bit worried I’m creating another monster with Alfie as Winnie is such a diva because she’s been so spoilt by us,how can you not spoil them though after such horrendous lives before the rescue had them .

In other news I never wanted my dining room back as a dining room .. sigh .. Lucy’s moved her three guinea pigs back in as ‘they like it better here Mum ‘ .. that’s that then.

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