
By Veronica

Getting serious

When I went on the walk on Tuesday, S lent me his shoes (happily our feet are the same size where hiking is concerned -- my feet are wide, so I buy large to make sure there's plenty of room for socks). They are divinely comfortable -- which I already knew -- so I'd been keeping my eyes peeled for a good deal on Amazon. My pair arrived yesterday. They may look garish, but it's all relative: S's are -- or were, till he got them good and muddy -- fluorescent yellow.

I feel a total fraud wearing fell-running shoes as I've never run up a fell in my life and never will, but when you've got flat feet, comfort is important! And they only weigh 378 grams each -- it's a well-known fact that one pound on your feet equals five pounds on your back. By the time I set off on the walking holiday, I hope they will be well worn in and I will look as if I have done this before.

To those saying "But they're not waterproof!", it's simple: if it looks like rain, I don't go out walking :-D cf Jamjar's more weatherproof blip ...

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