
By DavzoBroon


Jumped up this morning as the bin man was half way down my street when I realised I hadn't put my bin out. So in the pouring rain, I ran down the street through the puddles with the bin. The bin man was non too pleased to take it but he did phew. I said thank you, but he was a very grumpy chap.

When the rain finally cleared we went in search of our pheasant from yesterday. There were two in a field, got a blip of them both but they had their backs to me so I got in the car again and drove on a little further then I spotted four of them in a field with some cows so snapped away but drat, the farmer came by on his quad bike and scared them away. I thought oh no scuppered again, but no there was one pheasant who was a little braver and stood his ground so after a few shots of him EUREKA, blip done (GOTCHA! MY SON), but it was hard work.

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