Witch’s Nose!

A long overdue meet up with blip’s very own Toots (not that there’s been much blipping of late) - in Henderson’s for lunch - my treat following yesterday’s cash influx. As many salads as you can eat!
We then took in the annual visit to the BP Portraits, as you do.
As Toots said, with food for inner sustenance, art for visual stimulation we needed a walk to digest the first two - up Calton Hill for some snowy views. I was even able to cadge some hot foamed milk from the coffee stall man as she always carries her own supply of drinking chocolate. Great fun Toots, thanks.
So, to the evening - the Men’s Phil Soc meeting. So much on the agenda! But somewhat derailed by Norwich v Chelsea and the fact that it was Frank’s birthday. This entailed numerous rounds of whisky. Luckily we stopped before midnight - well, Thursday is one of two in my 5:2! Got to be strict.

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