Independent Scotland

Well, we are going to have a referendum to see if the people of Scotland want independence from England.

So this seems an opportune moment to have a blip pic of Stirling Bridge, which historically placed an important role in Scotland's fight to get rid of the English.

It was here that Wallace, 700 years ago, had his decisive victory over the English.
But this bridge never featured in the film, Braveheart.

For the scriptwriters were forced to remove Stirling Bridge from the story - because of Health and Safety - and transpose the fight to a battlefield which they then filmed in Ireland.

No matter.
The premier of the film was held at the Macrobert arts centre and the reception afterwards in Stirling castle.

Will the people of Scotland vote for independence? I doubt it.
Now if that second question on the ballot paper had been allowed giving more power to the Scots without full blown independence, that would have been a very different matter altogether.

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