Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Movement part something or other...

I cannot remember what number of the series we are on,I shall have to go check...

Meet Bobby's new best friend,a PUPPY called Scooby.. he weighs 12 stone... which is something like 76 kilo's ... Bobby weighs a fraction of that,not even as much as Scoobys left leg.It's a friendship made in heaven as Bobby is the boss.

Another sunny dog walk,bit on the windy side,not least from the sky (I have eaten a few eggs recently) ... home and some house work,then off to the shops to get supplies for tonight's PTA meet which is here .. I am going to let Sadie savage them all.

Hence my early blip..... wish them well... the PTA members I mean,they may not last the night.

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