These gentlemen were very focussed on their movements. I decided it was tai chi but as I know nothing of it was probably something else. Rosie stood and stared at them for a long time. It was impossible to capture the sheer wildness if the beach today- lots of wind, massive waves, freezing cold and the sun. It was quite exhilarating as these men obvs found it.
In other news Marc came back to attach some beautiful cupboard doors and to make the living room have shelves, the garden have lots of trellis and the shed to have a non leaky roof. It’s all made me tremendously happy.
I was also happy in yoga when I seemed to cope with the class so much better than previous. I congratulated myself of feeling the benefit of very regular classes and wasn’t I doing well. And then I found out it was only a 45 minute class instead of the normal 60. Ho hum.
We did well out of the Waitrose delivery man who accidentally brought someone else’s 2 boxes of mini magnums into the house. He was insistent that he gave us £5 back on our order so Will could be bought some ice cream as it was all his fault that Will thought I had actually bought them. Then we had a nice chat about dogs.
Ohh, and dog news! Rosie is signed up for agility classes after Easter! I had to check that limited and not consistent obedience was required, not an issue apparently. Am very excited, I need to wear trainers apparently....
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