Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Snow time!

Snowy outlooks all around this morning and still lots of it around this evening. I do love the look of a white world every once in a while.

I eventually got home last night at 9:30pm having left the car to walk the final push to my little cottage. I'm so glad I left Cilla where I did as the road was treacherous this morning and I didn't mind walking to begin my journey to school, at the crack of dawn, down the snowy road.

Today has been a day of wellies and wellies and more wellies...30 children and 30 pairs of wellies alongside 30 pairs of school shoes is always a good laugh!!

I'm looking forward to catching up on Silent Witness which I missed last night at the weekend, and tonight? The traffic behaved, I enjoyed a snowy (and slushy!!) walk, have caught up on my marking and I'll be enjoying some relaxation from here on in...until bed time!

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