Rain Day/Rest Day

Many thanks for the comments for yesterday's shot. One day I'll wander amongst this little micro-landscape and do it justice. For now I make do with a stop in a lay-by before pounding on my way to the house.

Today it rained and blew. It felt colder in the flat than it was outside. But momentous things were afoot. Great news for my daughter after a long slog in the foothills of academia. And much to-ing and fro-ing of house news. All very exciting and reminded me of those first tremulous steps onto the housing ladder in Sheffield where my first tiny terraced house in the 1980s cost £11,000.

The co-op up in Fiesole town had some good member offers today. An excellent chianti and large pieces of prosciutto to slice at home. I even cashed in some of my points so it felt like they were giving it away.

Went down and up across the valley to pick up The Principal from her office. This formal box hedging is but part of the glory.

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