Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


Because of an unexpectedly beautiful morning, I spent too much time outside today getting very cold.  This I am sure you will recognise as Morn Hill.  The whiteness on the ground looks like frost, but is in fact the sun bouncing off wet ground.  It was very beautiful.  Then this afternoon I went to the out of town Sainsbury's for one or two essentials and took my camera up to the beech avenue on Bushfield Camp for more possible book cover shots.  I thought the one in Extras might work, depending on how much - and what size - copy is required.  It would also work in colour as the beech trunks are very bright green right now.

So, dear people, please forgive that I have turned my comments off for tonight.  I still feel rather cold and in need of an early night.

Hope your day went well  xx

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