This fleeting world

"So you should view this fleeting world / A star at dawn, a bubble in a stream / A flash of lightning in a summer cloud / A flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream." -- Buddha Shakyamuni (att), The Diamond Sutra

Dyma un o fy hoff byllau - os dych chi'n gallu cael hoff bwll.  Pob gaeaf mae twll wrth wal y brifysgol yn llenwi gyda dŵr ac yn adlewyrchu'r adeilad. Heddiw sylwais i ei fod  e'n adlewyrchu'r adeilad yn y pellter dros y stryd hefyd.  Mae'r hen adeilad yn mynd i gael ei chwalu i wneud lle ar gyfer adeilad mawr newydd.  Yn fy marn i mae'n well cadw'r hen adeiladau, gyda'u pensaernïaeth a hanes.  Ond does neb yn gofyn i mi. Roedd y diwrnod yn oer ac yn wlyb - a fi hefyd ar ôl seiclo i'r gwaith ac adre.

This is one of my favorite puddles - if you can have a favorite puddle. Every winter a hole by the University wall fills with water and reflects the building. Today I noticed that he also reflected the building in the distance across the street. The old building is going to be demolished to make room for a large new building. In my opinion it is better to keep the old buildings, with their architecture and history. But no one asks me. The day was cold and wet - and so was I after cycling to work and home.

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