
By mindful_life

Mono Monday - 4th birthday

I thought carefully about today’s mono challenge with the theme four, to celebrate its fourth birthday. I haven’t been blipping for that long but I still wanted to join in.

I read two quotes today, each were four words long:

“Think less, live more” - anon

I though I would use this quote to think about things that help me to think less about all the things that tend to worry me, or make me feel stressed or just stop you from enjoying the moment. So the four photos that make the collage of my blip are four things that help me to think less and live more. Firstly my current reading book (which I add is fantastic and has very unexpected twists). Reading helps me relax, think about nothing but the story and the characters and experience the often complex lives within the book.

The second photo is of Bach’s Cello Suite number 4! Playing the cello when I grew up helped me to live more by meeting new people, travelling to new cities and countries and appreciate a whole different and beautiful world in music. Now, when I play, I can get so wrapped up in the music the time flies by and it makes me happy.

The third photograph is the pen I got for Christmas! I love to write! I have written a novel and am in the process of writing another. Again it helps me switch off from thinking about things that trouble me and concentrate on being creative.

The final photograph is of four completed cross stitch projects I have done in the past but not blipped. I sew most evenings, again as a way to relax and switch off.

I realised that all four of these photos are creative hobbies - and I guess I am creative. I also love to think I can inspire others to try new things. Which leads me to another four word quote I wanted to include today:

“Beautiful minds inspire others.” - anon

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