As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

I Bet Your Pride Is Gonna Be Stolen

Have a listen.

Maureen, Kimmy, and Audrey had lunch with Colavita today, and, in turn, with us. They decided that I don't know what personal space is, which is a fair assumption for them to make. Our class was observed during APUSH and we had a very successful lesson. As I have stated before, my opinions of people can change, and luckily they have. I'm starting to dislike APUSH a little less every day. Chris visited after APUSH and it was nice to see him again. We did nothing in health, and math was exciting. After school, we dismantled the homecoming float, and then I sold cookies. There was a little discordance after school before going to the meet, but I'm done with that. It was drizzling lightly at Bethpage, and there was a real threat of thunderstorms. Our race was pushed up to 4:55 from 5:11, and we were only notified at 4:45. We ran our race as a workout today because the competing teams weren't really competition for us. I ran 18:43, and I'll take it. I came home on the bus and went to Boy Scouts, where I did my physics homework and hung out with Nick, Ryan, and Alex.

Word of the Day: Versicolor - Changeable in color

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