Frost Feathers

Dear Diary,

We are back in negative numbers this morning, so much for our January thaw!  Well, when nature gives you frigid temperatures, make photographs of frost feathers!  I couldn't have photographed these before the thaw because the roof outside was covered in snow and the white background made it hard to really get a clear picture of the frost.  Now that the snow is gone, there they are!  I guess the lesson here is, for every negative there is a positive!

Somehow though, it always feels colder when there is less snow on the ground.  I know that seems counter intuitive but it is true for me.  Without the blanket of white wrapping the house the cold air seeps in more easily and in a house that is over 160 years old it is very easy for that cold air to get in.  Snow is a great insulator.

So, extra layers today and a fire in the wood stove I guess.  Emerson likes to nap in front of the heat registers!  Not many sunbeams for the little boy to bask in unfortunately.  Take heart Emerson, it is only 2 months until spring!

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