Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

1178. MM208...How many years?

No...not 5....just four fingers...four years of the Mono Monday challenge!

I'm rather proud of this shot as it involved my connecting my camera via WiFi to my iPhone and using the remote camera option...it took absolutely ages to get it working and I'm not sure that I could do it again but I plan to try at least...oh and I've discovered that my camera has a completely insane time set on it...the date is ok but the time has gone into the future....I think I might have set it to 1pm instead of 11am at some point so it's a couple of hours out....

This is a shot of Mr. Yana1 whilst we were having a coffee this morning...I asked him to point his hand at the camera sitting on the table and then used my iPhone to control it...i do like the idea of live view through an iPhone or an iPad......might be useful!

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