My City: Day 730:Postcard

Okay...for those who have subscribed to me you know that I have not done a black and white image, or recently one that was not processed to a high degree with my old pal PS. Tonight I was taking images near Dundas Square....a fav place of mine for city action....and using my wide angle lens and I just though this one should be in black and white.

Two years of blipping, no matter how insane that was, has been a GREAT way for me to see My City of Toronto in so many new ways. I actually look as I walk now, and My City reveals itself to me on so many levels

I think for the next year I will push myself with a different challenge each month. I did suggest I might start with iPhone images only for a month, or maybe now it will be black and white.You will have to come back tomorrow and find out.

Thanks to the blipfoto team for making this such a wonderful experience. Thanks to all the blippers who share their lives so openly each and every is humbling at times and it makes me realize we are more alike than we are different. To the many who I subscribe to...while I many not comment often I do often look at your images and have followed some wonderful adventures through your eyes and your lenses.

Best of luck to all who are addicted to the pursuit of the next image for their timeline..I would not change it for anything:-)

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