
A fruit is a vegetable with looks and money. Plus, if you let fruit rot, it turns into wine, something Brussels sprouts never do.

Claire goes running. I take Angus back to Edinburgh, where we finally get a replacement key cut for his flat. He takes advantage of our visit to CameronToll and stocks up in cereal and bagels. We even fit in a breakfast coffee at Costas.

Back at the ranch, I fit a new cowl to the Warehouse flue. It’s slippy on the tin roof, but Robbie holds the ladder and I clutch a rope that I’ve slung over from the other side.

I end up angle grinding the top of the old cowl off, because the new cowl’s rim isn’t wide enough to protect the whole of the top.

Then it’s time to prepare for tomorrow’s journey to Oslo. I’m taking lamb and sprouts - because I can.

After tea, I watch The Sure Thing an ancient Rob Rainer movie starring an unbelievably young John Cusack.

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