My kids at the park...big brother, little sister

I took my kids down to the town park today to ride around for awhile and figured it would be a good time to bring my camera along and grab a few shots.  This picture started out with my son wanting me to get some shots of him going over this ramp and ended up having several things going for it that I really liked.  

When I set out to document my kids I like to stake out a spot that has something interesting going for it - in this case I liked the symmetry that the rail brought to the scene.   I also was liking the playground equipment in the background to provide some more context as to where we were.  I figured I would wait for him to go over the ramp and snap a few shots as he passed through the scene.  As he was going over the ramp, my daughter rode into the scene and I decided to snap away.  I thought this provided much more interesting "action" than I initially intended and created more points of interest.  At first I thought I would toss this because she was so out of focus but the more I looked at it, the more I liked this feature.  The viewer can tell from her being out of focus that it wasn't intended that she's there and that fits her personality so well - arriving unannounced and stealing the show :).  I also really liked the forced perspective it created with him appearing much smaller than her when in fact the opposite is true.   

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