The Red Barn*

...about yesterday....It was one of those days that started out slowly the whole day stretching ahead of us. We drank our coffee, we made a plan to have lunch at a new restaurant, we went on a walk down to Dana and Jim's where we talked with Jim about solar energy and drank some more coffee, we chatted with our neighbor and discovered that he sold his former house to my friend Toby and her husband. Does this mean we are making connections? We told our fire stories and met his new dog. By the time we got home, it was too late to go to lunch.

Then, as things seem to do, everything speeded up, I was late and frantically trying to finish up my blip entry before we went to another neighbors' for dinner. My picture wouldn't upload.  I rebooted the computer and started over. The picture worked. Mea culpa... it was one from the day before. The big chair is a sort of trademark of Cornerstone shops where I went with Cindy. The two of us certainly got silly taking the picture. Cindy made me do it. I told her she was bossy....I had hoped to get back there with OilMan, but he balked. It was too perfect for Silly Saturday not to use it. When it came to the pasting...nothing.My carefully transferred prose was gone, I know not where. I suspect it is a Blipfoto protection of some sort.

Today I 'helped' OilMan prune the arbutus. It has beautiful bark and I wanted to reveal more of it, but looking at it from a short distance is required, so I sat in a chair and he stood on a ladder and cut where I told him to. But trying to explain which one I wanted him to cut was difficult and there were a few oops! moments, so I got a long skinny piece of bamboo which he had just cut down and used it to point to the exact bit I wanted him to cut. This time I felt like the bossy one. He has spent the rest of the day trying to track down the source of the water that is pooling at the bottom of our driveway and causing huge water filled potholes. Asserting his independence, no doubt. 

*The red barn is just up the street from our house. We went for a walk around the new subdivision which is surround by this open space,  private property, presumably protected by an agricultural trust. The grass is quickly covering the firebreaks made with bulldozers. Behind the berm is a lake and behind the red barn in the center of the picture is Wildwood Mountain. The fire was burning behind it. I thought it was quite pastoral and peaceful in the mist this morning.

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