Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Project Scotland

I figured I should stop trying to backblip and actually today blip or I'll never get caught up. This is a close up shot of a blanket that I started at Christmas last year. Interestingly I blipped it in January under the title of "Project for Me". Today's title is unrelated, I haven't decided to crochet a blanket big enough for Scotland.

Instead I have decided to do something that potentially in the long run will help me a great deal. All those months of un-uploaded blips have been filled with frustration, annoyance, soul destruction and a pinch of despair whilst attempting to get myself in to employment. I applied for hundreds of jobs, got a couple of interviews but got no further. Today I finally took the plunge and applied to Project Scotland. They match young people (yes I just and so scrape through as young on their guidelines) with 3 month full time voluntary work placements. The placements are designed and carefully matched to individuals to give them the skills and experience they are seeking. They didn't need any full time kitten cuddlers so instead I've gone for something that will make me more employable.

I submitted the application and within an hour or so I'd had a call back to discuss my preferences and what I want to get out of volunteering. By lunch there was an email with several potential placements that the nice lady had felt might be suitable for me. I put my sensible hat on (it doesn't get worn very often) and weighed up the pros and cons, there was one that looked quite fun and was about a 35 minute stroll down the canal but in the end, I've opted for the hour commute across town to a project that should give me really valuable experience and skills. Now I just need to wait patiently and find out what the next stage of the process is.

[edit] The blanket however is completely related to the Project Scotland in that I tended to crochet on the bus and so I'm now trying to get back in to the habit for the (hopeful) commute across town.

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