Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia

Pond, Ducks

Those houses get a fine view.

Just home from visiting my dad. He is fine, spent much of the day asleep which is a good thing. He was the talk of the ward, having caused a commotion last night hallucinating on morphine. He says he thought he was tied down and that my mum (and me? Not sure, I think he was confused in the retelling) were building bricks of Brahms around him and he had to get out. So he pulled out his cannulas and tried to get up. The other men on the ward were obviously quite excited: the tale was the very first thing the man opposite told his wife when she got in. First my mum knew of it was a phone call from dad this morning sheepishly asking "have they told you what I did?". Anyway, all was well, he is making a good recovery and they have taken him off morphine.

It's been said before and we'll say it again, but my God, the NHS is amazing.....

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