Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A good job done!

A day of epic accomplishments! I did twenty minutes on the cross trainer, three minutes forwards, two minutes backwards, one minute rest. Repeat four times. Phew!

The other accomplishment - even more epic - was that the whole big old grotty hall cupboard is now covered in glossy white paint. I had started on it yesterday, but even with the extension pole on the paint roller, I couldn’t do the whole ceiling. And I couldn’t clamber up on to the top shelf to reach it. However, JR sprung into action, and did all the high bits. And the low bits. And we got the whole thing done.

We also got paint in a lot of places it should not have gone, but nothing too drastic.

It was good that Archie was out with Elizabeth all day - we could not have coped with him hanging around and stepping in wet paint. We did enough of that ourselves. He had a big walk round the Hermitage with a friend of Elizabeth's. (Photo by Elizabeth).

The other pretty good outcome is that the computer folk phoned to give the bad news - corrupt hard drive, everything lost. But they could pop a new hard drive in for a reasonable price and it's as good as new. Fortunately, I THINK I have all my music, photos, animations and films from school on two external hard drives. So fingers crossed I'm not too disappointed. Actually, it'll be nice to have a computer again.

Spiral on tonight. It's a brilliant series, especially if you have seen all the others and followed the characters.

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