
Mum passed peacefully away this morning ten minutes before we reached the hospital. So glad I saw her yesterday.

We are eternally grateful that she was able to remain at home until last Monday , spending only a few days in hospital.

What a woman.....we have been reminiscing with our family this afternoon.

Gran , in her seventies, climbed a ladder on to her roof (double storey house!!) to put in a slate. She fell off the roof....and not a bone was broken!

She painted her whole house using brushes on long sticks!! She could not reach the eaves otherwise...this is while balancing on a ladder.

The village held an open evening to celebrate all the good deeds my Mum and Aunt had done in the area. A helicopter was hired to give them a flight over the family farm where they had grown up.

Our three just loved going to Gran's during their school holidays. Treasure hunts, picking raspberries, card games, trips to the park etc etc. One such visit to Biggar  putting green ended up with Gran getting a whack on the head. Andrew "thought" he was playing golf and took a swing at the ball .Gran's head got in the road.

Gran always made extra tatties so that come supper time our three would get their fix of fried tatties and beetroot chutney (homemade). They still drool at the thought.

Always optimistic,Mum 's  kitchen window sill is full of dried nasturtium seed all ready to plant at her wee phone box garden next year.........

Goodbye,Mum x

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