All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Hubbie was very busy yesterday afternoon while Ethan and Eden were having a nap ... building a new train track in the living room. He then spent hours adding to it in the evening when they were in bed. At least the kids appreciated it though and spent ages playing with it this morning!

The Foreveryoungs came over late morning, having enjoyed a lie-in after being out late at a wedding last night. They stayed for lunch, then Foreveryoung and I left Ethan and Eden with their Dads while we went through to Glasgow to visit our Mum who has been in hospital for the past few days.

Once back home, I had to do some overtime, and the Foreveryoungs took Ethan back to their house with them as he's staying overnight with them, as is usual on a Sunday evening.

I hope Ethan and Eden aren't sick of each other by now as they've seen a lot of each other this week!

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