Bunny (noir)
Very long day. Up at 5, for no obvious reason, and not even Evan Davies could lull me back to sleep (podcast, in case of raised eyebrows). Some admin, tidying, shopping, collecting Mr B from the airport, and then - obviously since Mr B is home - a glass of wine for lunch (plus food) slowed everything down...
While Mr B and TallGirl snoozed away the afternoon in the overheated front room to the tune of Modern Family (seasons 2 and 3), I cracked on with tax return prep, lawyering prep and generally reading the internet and saying 'gah' a lot at all the stuff that's spoiling the shiny new year already - seriously can we not have anything nice?!
Unexpectedly, the Mayor called and asked if she could pop round to talk about our new system for rubbish collection, so we had a nice walk to the end of our drive (I wanted her to see how far our dozen households will have to drag their rubbish bins if she doesn't agree to our plan) and she (in her tippety-tappety high heels) seemed to agree wholeheartedly with our idea. Sensible lady. I don't agree with her politics at all, but I know enough about local politics to be a great friend to whoever sits in her chair. And, besides, she always has some excellent gossip to pass on.
Later, the only genuinely well member of the family had to be collected from basketball, a chicken forestière (my first non-leftovers meal since Sunday) had to be eaten, TallGirl had a TallTale to tell about the SOS call from iPhones (didn't work from any of ours) and a bunch of new-to-us Modern Family were watched.
(And I pretended to be better all day. I even almost contemplated gardening, so I think the pretending can stop soon! Hurrah!)
This blip, I just remembered, is supposed to be about Piper - tonight's star. She's suddenly developed a very prominent double chin. I worried this was overfeeding in their Christmas holiday camp, but the lovely Internet tells me it's a dewlap, which female rabbits grow so they have an extra supply of soft hair they can pull out to line their nest and keep their babies warm. (If any reader is not saying 'awww' right now, they need to look deep inside their dark, broken soul).
Am having some slightly conflicting emotions about that... though rationally I know I should just make the appointment to have her spayed and not burden her with my disappointment that I didn't have five kids. Anyway, another cute bunny blip. Though I should also point out that she has lain down here to guard the two food bowls. We started using two to try to ensure that 'skinny' Joey got some food. It's not working. Even if we feed him outside the cage, she seems to send Jedi mind messages telling him to leave half for her.
EDIT: this photo was way clearer on my tiny teeny phone.... Now I will have to do a daytime shot of her huge double chin so you can see if properly.
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