
By RobinBanneville

Galatea Sunrise

Whilst driving along the seafront at sunrise on Thursday morning, I noticed the sun peeping through the clouds ... I knew I had to pull over quickly to stand any chance of capturing it before it rose too high ... My only hope was the Half Way car-park ... 
I grabbed my emergency camera and jumped out the van ... It was only then that I realised that I was perfectly in line with the Trinity House’s buoy tender ship, Galatea ... 
I had two choices ... either jump back in the van and continue along the front in the traffic, hoping that I'd get to a better vantage point before the sun became too bright, or use the Galatea as some sort of feature ... I chose the latter in the hope that I could lighten the vessel in post processing ... It didn't work out quite as I would have liked, but nevertheless, here's the result ... :o)

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