Seeing .....

..... Red!
Today has been a day of seeing red, that's red stop lights, red traffic lights and diverted traffic signs!! Frustrating ?? Yes.
I was out early to do a couple of things before I went to a friend for a quick coffee, well so I thought! Not so, I was stopped at every turn. Thinking I would take a short cut all went well until I came across a notice " road closed ahead" brrr why couldn't the notice be put in a more appropriate place , round I turned only to find yet another long road up with traffic lights letting so few cars through at a time! I just couldn't win.
I had a nice catch- up with "C" ( this friend I hadn't seen for months) with a cuppa and toasted tea cake , really delicious .
Then I came home before going to the hairdressers. I needed to get a few items to complete the dish for Sunday dinner so a visit to Sainsbury's had to be made before I came home . Potato baking in the oven for my meal and then just a bit of TV/ reading . I lead such a fast life with such a choice of things to do !!!!

Grateful ...., to have a lovely couple of hours with "C".

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