12th January - End of an era
Well, here we are…the end of an era, certainly for me at least! I joined the company in 1988 when I was just 27, so have spent over half of my life there – can you believe it?
During that time I have learnt to ride a motor bike (gained my full licence at the first attempt aged 30), had “my boy” who is now a strapping 25 year old (and many of you may have seen him about), the office has survived two floods - in 2000 & 2013, celebrated 33 years of marriage…and now it’s time for new adventures.
It has been great working there and I have met some wonderful people and made a number of good friends.
If you see me wandering about looking lost – I shall probably be on autopilot for the office for a little while – just send me back up the hill to Onslow Village!
Good luck to everyone!
Redundant Rainey
Thought for the day:
“Dear self, in 2018: Don’t get worked up over things you can’t change, people you can’t change. It’s not worth the anger build up or the headache. Control only what you can. Everything else...let go. Love, me.” (Unknown)
P.S. Mr A said I should have lightened up this photo, but this was exactly how it was - mizzley and very overcast. I thought it kind of summed up the day!
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