The Puncture Calamity...

Got to the top of the hill (less than a mile) this morning before the puncture announced itself.Coudln't be bothered walking back to get spare bike so just got on with fixing it.

Now there are a few steps in the process of replacing the inner tube and getting going. One rather essential step is to check that the artifact that caused the puncture is not left in place to repeat the process. I forgot that step this morning.

I was trundelling down the hill when I remembered it and then hoping that it dislodged itself. By the time I got to the bottom of the hill, I had my answer.

Basically it was just a morning of calamity as I did eventually get back on the bike (I carry two spare inner tubes for quick turnaround and puncture repair for special circumstances) I felt what I suspected was a flat spot caused by the inner tube being pinched between the tyre and rim. It wasn't until I got home that I realized I hadn't even managed to put the tyre on properly at all and the tube was bulging right out the edge of the tyre.

Ach well, cleaned, oiled and wheels all fixed. Tomorrow's a fresh day.

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