A Wassailing We Will Go....

....Samantha had set her heart on going to Boscastle today.
After breakfast Sam and I raced down town got the last few pieces she needed before heading home for a sandwich and then off we went.
Arriving to a bitterly cold Boscastle I found the National Trust coffee shop closed, this would not normally have been a problem but firstly it made the best Flat White in Cornwall and secondly today there was nothing else open.
Sam and I walked out to the mouth of the river and watched the waves crashing on the cliffs before heading back. We collected Clare and wandered back to watch the dancers form up and perform in the car park.
Two coffees apiece and another sandwich in the Riverside Cafe before moving back to the Witchcraft Museum to watch the two parades.
I think the first, in daylight, was so we could see the costumes and the second, in the dark, and in torchlight was the ‘real deal’.
Although Sam believes that Clare and I didn’t enjoy it I found it fascinating. Rooted in the past and in ancient rituals it is part of our history and heritage.

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