Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia


Op went fine, my dad is out and on the intensive care ward, more news tomorrow, hopefully.

Meanwhile, parents evening was very positive, all seems to be to play for, if Amelia can properly knuckle down for the next few months. Her teachers are very lovely, though I have started a list of things I might try hard not to say at my own parents evening:

"You could get an A*, but let's face it, people who do are not normal" (science)
"Oh, what's his name, the student who sits next to you?" (French)
"When I sat your exam last year I found it very hard to do in the time allowed" (English)

Then bookclub: To Sir With Love by ER Braithwaite. Not popular: it's a misogynistic, self serving, fantasy version of teaching. I advise against. Apparently a rare case where the film is better than the book.

I have, however, started reading Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race, by Reno Eddo-Lodge, it's v good.

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