NY resolution
Well that’s the resolution out the window. I am not even going to look back to see how many blips I have missed.
I meant to blip the Christmas rose this afternoon but am ashamed to say it turned out to be a duvet afternoon. We had a late night last night getting home at 2am after 3 hours waiting for an ambulance and then 3 hours and 8 stitches later I got our 91 year old back home after her fall in the house and catching her leg on a chair.
Then I had an early rise for roofers who let me down just before Christmas and by the look on his face when I opened the door he was expecting a roasting! So I didn’t bother ‘cos I wanted a good job done! Getting wise in my old age.
So back to the blip! I hadn’t even noticed the Lenten rose was out until I was taking the other rose which use to ( in it’s youth) appear at the beginning of De ember. Maybe it has duvet days like me!
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