the colour green

By jukeys

marius and mireille

It’s been a busy day! Trip to the doc and dentist this morning and then Pierre and I both had appointments in Nyons this afternoon as well. I managed to fit in some food shopping too.

Mireille then called round to see us this evening. She used to be the owner of this house and we came to stay with her when I was a little girl. So weird to welcome her here now; she and I both had a gin and fresh orange :) Mireille used to work with kids and is brilliant with them. Marius was in awe of her, watching her every move; it was lovely to see them both interacting like that.

You can just see our neighbour Cendrine’s coat in the background of this photo - she had called in to give us two new toys for Marius. A little trike and a dump truck toy! Marius loved them straight away!!

I’ve just made dinner (quenelles with mushroom and bechamel - just waiting for it to cook in the oven), Pierre is upstairs bathing Marius, and then we’ll have dinner together.

I think Marius may be self-weaning. I’ve tried bfing him three times today and each time he’s refused. I will feel glad to stop in one way, but I’m also very sad about it. It’s probably better that he’s weaning himself rather than me having to deprive him of something he loves.

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