Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Good news and bad news...

I woke at 8am, but it felt like it was still the middle of the night. However, I got up and took Archie out and wandered off to aquafit. I was quite early, as it doesn’t start till 8.45! But I like to have a flop around in the pool for a while. It does feel nice being weightless. Though it’d be nicer warmer.

By 8.55am there was no sign of the instructor, the lanes had not been taken away, and there were hardly any of the regular aquafitters, so I decided to make a getaway. I'd had a good half hour flapping around, and I could nip into the gym and be home before the man came to fix the shower door.

And so I did. I had half an hour on the cross trainer and leg/arm equipment. Nearly killed myself on the Big Stepper (all of 2 minutes!)

The shower door man decided that he needed extra hands, so he'll come another day. He'd have to take the door off as the panel connecting it to the wall is slipping slightly.

We loaded the old computer into the car and brought it round to the shop, a job I should have done several years ago. We'll see what they can do with it, or if indeed it's worth saving.

JR then went off to buy a new coffee machine. The old one wasn’t up to the job, and the old old one (which we still had) worked for one cup then began to leak all over the place. We'd been contemplating a new one for ages. Now it was imperative.

Fortunately, I was dropped off back home, and didn’t need to assist. This enabled me to make a start on the big cupboard which is full of, mostly, junk eg dozens of plastic containers and lids, none of which fit. I now have an empty cupboard, ready for painting. I've decided I could manage to put another shelf in, and indeed, I’ve got my drill out. Maybe tomorrow.

But the main news today is good and not so good. Annemique finally got a proper job as befits her degree (she's been working in a supermarket). But her hours will be Monday - Friday, 9-5! Which means no more long walkies with Archie during the week. Today they went to the Hermitage, and she met her friend with her dog, Bella, a big old laid-back Labrador. She will have to share weekends with several other weekenders.

Here's Archie seeing her off on her bike. We have not told him the not so good news yet...

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