Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Hard Times of Old England

This is Jay and his signs of the times, on the steps outside Liverpool World Museum today.

Homelessness and rough sleeping are visibly increasing in the city on a weekly basis and I know it’s the same across the country. I was incensed by the recent comments on this subject by the leader of Windsor Council

But it’s not just an issue in urban areas. Rural homelessness is also a massive problem, as reports today testify

This evening, I’ve found myself singing ‘Hard Times of Old England Retold’ by The Imagined Village - in which Billy Bragg reworks the lyrics of an 18th Century song to reflect contemporary realities.

In many ways, I’m not sure the traditional lyrics really needed updating. To me, they still seem just as relevant in the 21st Century.

To underline my thesis (and in case you’ve ever wondered why they call me Folkie...) here are just 3 of my favourite - all very different - versions of that ‘original’ song, using the traditional lyrics.

Stick in the Wheel

Jon Boden and The Remnant Kings

Steeleye Span

I could go on, but I’ll spare you!

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