There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

The Place of the Sacred Antler

Part 2 in an occasional series. :-) For the first episode in the story of the jeweled stag, see my October 1 entry.

The morning air was a bit chilly and the trees had begun to turn colors. It was a season of great beauty. Sensing the coming of the colder season, the dancing girl and the jeweled stag and their friends set out on an autumn adventure.

They traveled long and far, first through beautiful woods, and then through increasingly dark and difficult and dangerous terrain. Just when they were growing ready to turn back in despair, they arrived at the Place of the Sacred Antler.

They caught their breath in delight! The Sacred Antler was massive, and it was covered in sparkling jewels. It bespoke the existence of yet another, much larger jeweled stag, from Times Past But Not Forgotten; perhaps larger and more beautiful than anyone had ever seen . . .

At the foot of the sacred antler sat a silver frog. It opened its mouth to display a rare silver ring. "Wear this magic ring," said the frog, "and it will take you anywhere in the world you wish!"

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