Dark road home

It has been in uneventful day, but with a headache to end it I don't plan writing reams. I also don't have a blip photo, and only realised as I was almost home. The last 15 minutes of my drive home is on this narrow single lane road. I look forward to the lighter evenings.

I went to work via the Dr surgery today. I've got a strange mark on my face that has appeared in the last couple of weeks. I thought it best to get them to check it. She didn't think it was sinister as it had appeared so quickly, but she didn't like the look of some other patches of skin on my face, which she said are sun damaged and need 'treating'. So i'm back tomorrow seeing the other Dr who is a skin specialist. I'm obviously hoping for the best!! They still don't have my other prescription but I will check again tomorrow.

Busy day at work although I didn't get in until 10. Home by 6.45.

Mollie had cooked spag bol for tea and all I've done is put a load of washing in. I think the last hour before bed will be doing nothing too.

How are those 20 year olds on University Challenge SO clever?

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