Pixel H

By PixelH

The A10

Man I hate the A10. It really, really sucks. Even the lady at the estate agents today said that she used to spend 3 hours a day commuting up and down it when it was only 17 miles each way. Yeah thanks love. You're really selling it to me.

Must remember......it's all about the journey, it's all about the journey....

Anyway, before you think I'm some mad so and so taking pictures in moving traffic don't worry. I was stationary for a very long time at this point. I wouldn't risk damaging my beautiful camera and lovely lens in a rash attempt to get the picture for the day, not even for Blip.

I was at dinner at Pippa's for tea tonight then back to Littleport for a few more beers. Tomorrow I get to travel a bit closer to home. Yay! :-) Can't wait.

Have a great Friday y'all.

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