A Mini Diary

By Peekabob

Looks like rain ... again!

It was a damp, grey, drizzly morning this morning so I thought I'd better put an umbrella in the bag before we all went out. Then, as suddenly as it had started, the rain stopped and the sky brightened. Think I'll keep the umbrella in the bag though ... just in case!

"Gets in yer neb, lugs,
unner thi oxters tae.
Oan yer heid, in yer een
til ye're drookit, ken?

An it's aye cauld
an gaes sidie-ways.
Whit, warm rain?
Nae here (mebbe in Spain).

Woke up this mornin,
crawled oot o bed,
keeked oot thi windae pane
Aw naw! Rainin again!"

(Tom Bryan - Scottish Rain)

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