Chasing the rainbow
Working until 5.30 am meant I was up much later than originally planned, and it was into the afternoon before I got out and about and had a chance to enjoy the fine weather. It was still chilly, and I was glad I had a nice cosy jacket with me when I got to Dollymount beach for a bit of a blip wander. Driving along the causeway, I was surprised to see one of those para-thingies in the sky. As luck would have it, I got to the beach just as a rainbow appeared, and it all came together for an okay blip.
Satisfied with the blip aspect, I actually went for a bit of a bracing stroll along the beach before heading back home to a bit of selfish cosiness. All that was hours and hours and hours ago, but my broadband connection has been acting up for a while now and it's only now (10.45 pm or so) that it's useable enough to make uploading possible.
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