Crisp and clear

If it's possible, today was even quieter than yesterday. Focussed catching up and sorting, cooking, laundry etc etc.
Trying to plan a trip with T&K when they come up here in early Feb - can't decide whether to go just for a lovely hotel somewhere or a hotel plus activities (and if so what type of things). Fed up of trawling through sites looking for recommendations ....anyone would think there are only about 4 hotels in the whole of Scotland. I'm looking at Perthshire, or possibly St Andrews. I wish I wasn't trying to do it as a surprise....maybe I should just ask them what they fancy!
Beautiful sunny cold day so had a couple of hours walk around Arthur's Seat and St Margaret's Loch - here with swans and the low sun behind St Anthony's Chapel ruins. Listened to the Val McDermid novel all the way round the lake as well as while I did ironing etc....enjoying this way of 'reading' novels and the time seems to go more slowly rather than listening to the radio with lots of shorter programmes.
Home for tasty chicken dinner and a couple of episodes of The Crown

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