Conquer your fear!!!

Today we did another of our 'Bus Route Walks'. For those of you who don't follow our Blips regularly; our 'bus route walks' involve us jumping on a bus and going to the terminus and then walking home via the most interesting route for a gorgeous little collie.

Today we jumped on a No 36 bus and went to the 'Gyle Centre' and most of the walk home was via the 'Union Canal'. I'm not a great lover of canal walks. I have to stay on my lead because there's also cyclists on the canal path and I have a dreadful habit of walking right in front of them and making them tipple topple off their bikes! Actually, I've never done that but Ann is always worried that I might?! Lol!

Anyway, our walk along the canal involved us walking over the aqueduct at Slateford. Ann doesn't do aqueducts and I've never been on one because she has a fear of............................... Actually what does she have a fear of?..........................

….................A fear of falling into the canal? A fear of falling off the aqueduct? A fear of the aqueduct collapsing while we are walking along it? A fear of someone else coming along the path and there not being enough room for us? (Width of the aqueduct path can be seen in extras).

It was a bit scary walking along the aqueduct for Ann not me. It seemed to go on forever and ever and ever and ever and a lot of the wrought iron railings seemed a bit corroded. I'm sure they weren't – H&S would never allow that these days?! And looking down was even more scary! And what was even worse; the whole path along the aqueduct was cobbled, whereas the rest of the canal path was smooth tarmac?! If Ann had been walking me in her stilettos, which obviously she wasn't because she never walks me in her stillettos, she would definitely have tripped and fallen into the canal??? She was wearing her trainers............... but that's not the point. Lol!

Sooooooo........................... Ann conquered her fears and survived walking me along the aqueduct.

…................Don't think I'm going to be going there again for my walk though?????

The rest of our 'bus route walks' don't include a walk along the canal. Lol!!!

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