
By acr83

Cat attack!

Today I rearranged the boys' bedroom. This came about after a terrible night last night. Lincoln got out of bed consistently for about two hours between 1 and 3. We tried everything: telling him to go back (usually works), confiscating toys, threatening to cancel swimming in the morning. Nothing worked. He was seeing bears, crocodiles, spiders and a scary person. Eventually after us each getting out of bed far more times than we were happy with, Daddy lay on his bed with him until he went back to sleep. It was a very challenging night.

It seems that being able to see out the window was part if the issue, along with a wild imagination. I moved his bed to the wall side of the room. Of course this leaves us open for another issue which is having the boys far too close together. We'll just play it by ear. No dramas going down tonight, although I'm not surprised after all the sleep that was lost last night.

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